General questions

We are proud to support many local artists! Due to limited space and high demand, we can only select a handful of new artists each season. Please send an email to us at info@stockhomedesign.com with your portfolio, price range, and a bit about yourself

We are proud to support many local makers! Due to limited space and high demand, we can only select a handful of new makers each season. Please send an email to us at info@stockhomedesign.com and share with us a bit about your business.

We accept payments from major credit card companies like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

Shipping & returns

  • $15 shipping within Canada of orders up to $150
  • FREE shipping within Canada on orders over $150
  • $20 shipping to USA

All packages are shipped tracked with Canada Post with an estimated delivery time of 3-10 business days. 

Yes! If you live in the Vancouver, BC area you can pickup your order at our retail store in Kitsilano.

Address: 3060 W Broadway

After receiving your pickup confirmation email (usually within 48 hours), your order is ready.